02 June, 2020

Lady breastfeed's her father to save his life

This picture shows a lady breastfeeding her father. The father is desperate to drink the milk of his daughter, while the small kid has no idea about what’s going on.

What do you think about this? 
Incest? Taboo? Illegal? Crime?
Majority of the readers would think the same.

It’s a depiction of a story, where a daughter(Pero), privately breastfeeds her father(Cimon), after he was imprisoned and given a death by starvation punishment, by the authorities.

There are various versions of the story.

Cimon75), committed a huge crime (I’ll leave it for you to imagine), for which he was sentenced to imprisonment, until the government declares the punishment for the act. The authorities didn’t show any mercy on him. Instead they decided to sentence him to death. Death by starvation.


Yes, he won’t be getting any food or water, and he’ll be left to die inside the prison, so that he realizes his mistake and regret a million times before he dies.

Pero, his daughter couldn’t bear the thought of her father dying of starvation inside a confined place. She desperately wanted her father not to die of starvation. 
She pleaded with the government to atleast allow her to meet Cimon everyday, until his death. 
After multiple requests, she was granted permission to meet him everyday until his death.

She was checked by the prison officials thoroughly before entering the prison, so that she doesn’t get any food items for her father.

Cimon was already a week into starvation, and had become very weak and could barely open mouth. Pero couldn’t see her father in this condition. She just didn’t want her father to die like this. She started breastfeeding Cimon, so that he stays alive. 
He too hadn’t had anything through his throat in a week, so he desperately sucked each and every segment of her breast.

This went on, for a week.

According to the government officials, Cimon should’ve died of starvation by now. But since he was alive, they suspected that his daughter must be feeding him something to keep him alive. So they decided to spy them while they meet.

On the very day, Pero was caught breastfeeding her father inside the prison.

She would have served the rest of her life inside prison, for the crime she had done. However, the prison incharge was impressed by the selfless charity of Pero. She saw her father from a mothers eye and helped him selflessly.

This was set as an example, and came to be known as ‘The Roman Charity’.

Look at this picture once again. Do you still feel that this is incest,crime,taboo etc?

You feel something else, or you wanna add something to this? Let us know by commenting.


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